HomeManhoodDeath Of A Defeminized Woman

Death Of A Defeminized Woman

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Earlier this year a woman, 36, met her demise by mouthing off at young man in a Bronx bodega.
What makes this situation notable, aside from buttressing inner city murder rates, is that it’s the obvious result of an extant social trend; the defeminization of women.
Rather than seeking compatibility with a man, the victim’s trying to be one, and gets brutally taken out just like her mother, and ironically at the same age.
The death cycle comes full circle as she misguidedly thought she could “out man a man,” by jumping in dude’s face.
Clearly this woman was bereft of male leadership and sought to engage a random cat like he was in her grip, and hopelessly broken by maternal dominance.
But even in our feminized society, the anticipated result of masculine submission isn’t guaranteed.
The young shooter, also lacking male leadership, unfortunately sought to extricate himself from emasculation through violence, which no doubt has shaped his reality.
Now two lives are lost; casualties of errant social dynamics that only serve those seeking chaos and tenuous control.
Checkout the video below, and see how the twisted attempt to achieve male/female balance played out in real-time.


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